Since 1994, the Murthy Law Firm has provided the immigrant community with a virtual town square to meet, discuss, and learn what is current and factual in U.S. immigration law. The free services provided by our firm generously explain the nuances and complexities of U.S. immigration law in a variety of online media.
- Our Website provides up-to-the-minute information on immigration laws and policies, also formatted for your mobile device.
- Our weekly Bulletin delivers the latest news in U.S. immigration law directly to your inbox.
- The Forum is a moderated bulletin board, where our attorneys answer general questions about immigration laws and procedures.
- In our Chat, Sheela Murthy and other senior attorneys provide guidance that clarifies the law in real time. This service is currently on hold.
- Our Blog shares the lighter, more reflective side of the Murthy Law Firm.
- The Employer Podcast series keeps businesses and corporate officials informed of matters specific to immigration and compliance in the workplace.
- Podcasts & Audio files provide you with the option to get selected information by listening to programs and interviews.
- Follow us on Social Media for the latest news, links to our articles, and interesting facts.
- See Video recordings of personal appearances and discussions of important immigration topics with Sheela Murthy.
MurthyDotCom avails itself of the newest technologies to bring information and answers to those who need them, by the methods most convenient to you – a wealth of useful and free information at your fingertips. Your ultimate U.S. immigration resources on the internet all start with MURTHY! Read more in our blog Murthy Online: The Preposterous Idea of Giving Information Away (03.Sep.2014).