Another Immigration Debate : Show on WJZ TV

On  Friday , May  25 , 2007, I was  interviewed and taped for a  half  hour  TV talk show  on WJZ TV Channel 13, the local CBS affiliate in Baltimore with  news anchor Kai Jackson. The other person on the panel was Pat McDonough, the Maryland Delegate  who is a strong anti-immigrant advocate.

We discussed several topics of interest with opposing view points on immigration. My focus was on the net gain to America with immigrants. For example, the New York Times indicated that there is a net gain of $7 Billion each year to the U.S. economy with the work and taxes paid by foreign nationals.

I pointed out the many entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley and elsewhere are immigrants who have contributed tremendously to the landscape of the U.S. whether it be in science, arts, technology, business, etc.

Mr. Jackson, the TV show host said he found the debate rewarding and the TV station will call me back to continue the discussion on this hot topic. The show will air on Sunday morning, June 3, 2007, at 6:30 AM in the news segment called “On Time”.  Tune in to watch the lively discussion!

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