Ernst & Young Annual Entrepreneur of the Year Forum
11 Nov 2009I am at the EY Annual Entrepreneur of the Year Strategic Growth Forum from Nov 11-15th, 2009 in Palm Desert, CA.
On Wed Nov 12th, we had a couple of high power panels with Charlie Rose moderating various leaders in the business world including H. Lee Scott, the Chairman of the Board of Walmart, and the CEOs of Kohler,, ManPower and SAP Americas.
Later that morning, I met and chatted with Angela Braly, the CEO of Wellpoint, Inc. apparently the largest health care provider in the world. She was a speaker on another panel. Ms. Braly is on the list of the most powerful women in the U.S and of the world. I had the opportunity to participate on a panel with her last year in Nov 2008 in New York city for the United Way Worldwide’s global conference.
Then in the evening reception for technology businesses, I met and chatted with Matthew Szulik, the Founder and CEO of RedHat who was the overall national winner of the EY Entrepreneur of the Year last year. He was really kind and seemed genuinely interested and impressed with MLF and MDC.
Other highlights of the day were the sessions overall and meeting with Michael Hilcyon a venture capitalist from Switzerland and Partha Bose, a speaker and the CIO of a large health services provider in Wisconsin. Partha had apparently been using MurthyDotCom for many years before getting his green card.
Overall a really good learning and productive day. But a long day from 7 am until well past 11 pm. Now with jet lag no sleep most of the night I hope I can learn as much today!