Global Reach: MurthyDotCom Cited By Economic Times Article
02 Feb 2011As MurthyDotCom and several major newspapers reported last week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) shut down Tri-Valley University, located in the San Francisco Bay area, alleging it helped foreign students to gain student immigration papers illegally. (See NewsFlash! ICE Raid at Tri-Valley University Impacts Many, MurthyDotCom, 21.Jan.2011.) According to the Economic Times, a leading Indian financial newspaper, Tri-Valley University is thought to have had 1,555 students, as many as 95 percent of whom are Indian nationals. (See: Immigration Fraud: Hundreds of Indian Students may be Deported from U.S., The Economic Times, 26.Jan.2011.)
In covering this monumental case of alleged student visa fraud, the Economic Times article cited a MurthyDotCom article published five days earlier – the day after the raid:
“‘…We have received verification that ICE has detained some of the students and placed them in removal proceedings,’ Murthy Law Firm, a popular immigration attorney firm among IndianAmericans, said in a posting on its website. …”
The article went on to cite the firm’s assessment of the possibilities that may be open to students swept up in the raid, quoting the MurthyDotCom article, that:
“‘…some of the F-1 Tri-Valley students may have options to try to change status in the United States. Some are potentially eligible to request a change to H-4 or other dependent statuses. Others might be eligible for H1B status through employers, but may not have enough time to file for the soon-to-be reached FY2011 H1B cap. Those who have previously held H1B status and do not need cap numbers would not face this problem,’ advised the Murthy Law Firm. …”
We are very gratified to be quoted by the estimable Economic Times of India, not only because it focuses attention on the plight of the hundreds of Tri-Valley students who now find themselves in deportation proceedings; the paper’s reliance on MurthyDotCom indicates the high regard we have achieved in the public mind, both in the United States and around the world. It’s a compliment on the Murthy Law Firm’s hard-won reputation for excellence in immigration law, and on our firm’s global reach – a very nice compliment, indeed!