Murthy Active in SAALT
30 Apr 2013Murthy Law Firm founder and president, Sheela Murthy, attended an April 19th VIP reception at the 2013 National South Asian Summit in Washington D.C., an event organized by SAALT, South Asian Americans Leading Together. SAALT is a national, nonpartisan nonprofit that works to strengthen the voice and influence of South Asians in the United States, and thereby build a more just and inclusive society here.
Murthy also attended SAALT’s ChangeMaker Awards, honoring several outstanding South Asian Americans for their advocacy, activism, courage, and spirit in bringing South Asian perspectives to the forefront of American cultural and political discourse. The keynote speaker was Pramila Jayapal, a prominent activist for immigrant rights and other important social justice issues. The MurthyNAYAK Foundation is a longtime supporter of SAALT, and proud to have sponsored the ChangeMaker Awards celebration.
Sheela Murthy currently serves on SAALT’s Council of Advisors, and was invited to join its new Business Advisory Council (BAC), an exclusive group of executives from the legal, financial, and health sectors, who believe that South Asians should have an effective voice in Washington’s corridors of power. According to SAALT, the tasks of its new Business Advisory Council are:
- To be a Corporate Ambassador for South Asian interests
- To inspire new partnerships that are beneficial to SAALT and BAC members
- To encourage diversity, charitable giving, and best business practices in its members’ workplaces
- To meet dynamic South Asian business leaders in a variety of economic sectors
- To encourage civic and political life in each member’s region
- To inform SAALT’s operations, scope, and impact
Sheela is honored to be among the prominent South Asian business executives who were tapped to lead this important initiative, and she looks forward to contributing her time, talent, and expertise to this eminently worthy cause!
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