19 Jan 2010

After The Earthquake In Haiti – How You Can Help!

Last week, untold thousands of Haitians lost their lives when a devastating earthquake destroyed Port-au-Prince and much of the surrounding area. Millions more are living with the aftermath of this horrific tragedy, struggling to maintain a semblance of public order and rebuild a shattered infrastructure...

18 Jan 2010

Right On, Mayor Bloomberg!

On January 1st, billionaire financier and philanthropist, Michael Bloomberg, was sworn in for his third term as mayor of New York City. Reuters reports that he used the occasion to announce his support for comprehensive immigration reform, something he now pledges to actively promote during...

18 Jan 2010

Happy Martin Luther King Day!

On August 28, 1963, at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Martin Luther King delivered his "I Have A Dream" speech, and the world has not been the same since. Dr. King's words have echoed down through American history, and resounded through the...

14 Jan 2010

Immigration Reform ASAP

In mid-December, Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez introduced legislation to overhaul the nation's immigration laws. The title of the bill says it all: the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act of 2009 - in its short form, CIR ASAP. What you make of...

12 Jan 2010

USCIS Updates Vaccination Requirements for Immigrants

Earlier this month, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) updated the vaccination requirements for immigrants, including those seeking adjustment of status. (See USCIS WebSite, Vaccination Requirements, posted January 5, 2010.) Under U.S. law, overseas applicants for immigrant visas, as well as foreign nationals who...

04 Jan 2010

Tracking U.S. Labor Market Trends

As the sun rises on a new decade, government statisticians are projecting the creation of millions of new jobs in the next ten years, including positions in lower-paid personal-service occupations, but also more lucrative jobs in health-related and technical fields. If the past is any...