New Documentary Series Explores the Lives of Accomplished IndianAmericans, Starting With Sheela Murthy

The Indian-based cable and satellite television channel Zee TV launched its latest series, Those Who Made It, on Saturday, October 14, 2017. Each 30-minute episode of the documentary-styled series explores the life of a different IndianAmerican who has risen to the top of his or her respective field. And, to kick off the show, Those Who Made It chose to focus on our very own Sheela Murthy, the founder and president of the Murthy Law Firm.

Sheela’s episode, which premiered in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean on Saturday, details her journey from her native India to become the leader of one of the world’s foremost immigration law firms, as well as a pillar in her community. Her philanthropic work has been extensive, having co-founded with her husband, Vasant Nayak, the MurthyNAYAK Foundation, a nonprofit organization that serves the needs of women, children, and immigrants, both in the United States and in India. [See Your Sneak Peak at ZEE TV’s New Series, Those Who Made It, by Priyanka Rathi,, 13.Oct.2017.]

As Sheela herself notes in her episode of Those Who Made It, “When life gives you lemons, turn it into lemonade.” She is the embodiment of weaving struggles into success, and by sharing her story with ZEE TV, she is striving to inspire others to achieve their own American dreams.


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