06 May 2011

TVU Update: University President Indicted

The saga of Tri-Valley University (TVU) continues with the indictment of the university president, Dr. Susan Xiao-Ping Su. This indictment follows the highly-publicized Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid of TVU in January. Multiple Count Indictment of Dr. Su The May 2nd press release reveals that the...

04 Feb 2011

Tri-Valley University Raid Generates Fear of Removal

The raid of Tri-Valley University (TVU) continues to send shockwaves through the immigrant community. Many former students fear that they will be removed (formerly referred to as deported) from the United States. Concerns about removal and clarifications of some misunderstandings are addressed here for the...

29 Oct 2010

USCIS Memo on Use of Social Networking Websites

A U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) memorandum regarding the importance of social networking sites in fraud detection was recently disclosed. This memo discusses the use of social networking sites by Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS) officers in investigating potential abuses of U.S. immigration...