20 Nov 2014

NewsFlash! President Outlines Immigration Plan, Includes H-4 EADs!

Tonight, President Barack Obama provided an overview of his plan for using his executive power to address various immigration-related concerns. The President will be providing undocumented foreign nationals who have been in the United States for at least five years and who meet certain additional...

19 Nov 2014

NewsFlash! President’s Immigration Plan to be Announced Thursday Night

See NewsFlash! President Outlines Immigration Plan, Includes H-4 EADs! (20.Nov.2014) NewsFlash! Update: President's Immigration Announcement Moved to Thursday Night New reports indicate that President Obama will address the nation regarding his immigration plans on Thursday night in a televised announcement. The President's announcement almost certainly will address...

17 Oct 2013

NewsFlash! President Signs Bill to End Government Shutdown

Updated 7:00am (Eastern Time - U.S.) At 12:30am Thursday, 17.Oct.2013, President Obama signed a bill to reopen the U.S. government. Federal workers are returning to work today.----- NewsFlash! Senate Deal May End Government Shutdown - Updated 16.Oct.2013: Updated 4:27pm (Eastern Time - U.S.) Speaker Boehner has agreed to not...