15 Apr 2019

I work for a multinational corporation and was recently promoted to a Senior Director position within my company. Can I convert my application to EB1?

Answer The law provides specific criteria to qualify for EB1(c) as a manager or executive, which includes certain experience abroad. As a result, someone promoted to a managerial job in the U.S. does not necessarily qualify for EB1(c). (15.Apr.2019)In frequent sessions of our Chat, Sheela Murthy...

10 Apr 2019

Homeless Eight-Year Old Immigrant Becomes Chess Phenom

In recent weeks, the news cycle was dominated by the revelation of a scandal involving dozens of wealthy and powerful parents who illegally bribed elite colleges and universities to admit their children, potentially taking the spots of more qualified applicants. The transgressions of privileged elites...

08 Apr 2019

I am in H1B status, working for a for-profit company. If I transfer to a cap-exempt nonprofit organization, would I later be able to move back to a for-profit company, without having to go through the lottery again?

Answer In general, once one is counted under the H1B cap, it is possible to move back and forth between cap-subject employers and cap-exempt nonprofit employers until one has exhausted one's 6 years of H1B time. (08.Apr.2019)In frequent sessions of our Chat, Sheela Murthy and other...