04 Jun 2019

DS-160 and DS-260 Now Require Social Media Information

The U.S. State Department (DOS) has implemented changes to electronic forms DS-160, Application for a Nonimmigrant Visa, and DS-260, Application for an Immigrant Visa, that go into effect immediately. These applications will now request information about the social media username or handle used by an...

22 Dec 2018

NewsFlash! Partial Government Shutdown Now in Effect

A partial shutdown of the federal government is now in effect because Congress was unable to pass a new budget or continuing resolution. This also means that several immigration programs are temporarily suspended, including the regional center portion of the employment-based, fifth preference (EB5) immigrant...

18 Dec 2018

Possible Government Shutdown After December 21, 2018

Congress must pass a spending bill to extend government operations by midnight of December 21, 2018, or else another temporary shutdown of the federal government will go into effect. This would be the third shutdown of 2018.The crux of the current budget dispute revolves around...