02 Sep 2011

Overview: Maintaining Valid F-1 Student Status

A foreign national is subject to specific, strict requirements as a condition of obtaining F-1 status as a full-time student. Failure to follow legal requirements can lead to status violations, which can have potentially devastating effects for many international students. Foreign national students must stay...

27 May 2011

Murthy Takes Action: TVU Update

Issues arising from the Tri-Valley University (TVU) raid in January 2011 continue to plague former students of that institution. The Murthy Law Firm and lawyers from other firms have been involved in efforts to assist former TVU students as they seek to regain lawful status...

06 May 2011

TVU Update: University President Indicted

The saga of Tri-Valley University (TVU) continues with the indictment of the university president, Dr. Susan Xiao-Ping Su. This indictment follows the highly-publicized Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid of TVU in January. Multiple Count Indictment of Dr. Su The May 2nd press release reveals that the...