09 May 2016

I am a U.S. citizen. My girlfriend is vising me on a B-2 tourist visa and we now wish to get married. Can we apply for adjustment of status, or is she required to leave the U.S. in order to apply for a green card?

Answer There is a procedure for filing the AOS in an immediate relative case for a person who entered on a B-2 visa, but it is not always advisable to take this step. There are potential problems with respect to preconceived intent and even fraud /...

28 Mar 2016

I was sponsored by my husband for a green card in the FB2A category. We have since divorced. Can I still file an I-485 when my priority date becomes current?

Answer In order to be eligible for a family-based green card, the family relationship generally must still exist. Thus, once a divorce is finalized, the case typically cannot continue. (28.Mar.2016)In frequent sessions of our Chat, Sheela Murthy and other senior attorneys provide guidance that clarifies the...