27 Nov 2017

I got my H1B visa stamp 4 years ago, but never traveled to the U.S. The U.S. company later revoked the H1B petition. If I am sponsored for an H1B now, do I have to go through the lottery?

Answer One who has an approved H1B petition and received an H1B visa 'stamp' normally is considered to be "counted against the cap" and should be able to file with another employer at any time. There is no time limitation in this case. (27.Nov.2017)In frequent sessions...

13 Nov 2017

Last year, my husband got his green card by being sponsored by his employer, and I got mine at the same time as his dependent spouse. We are now getting divorced. Will that impact my GC?

Answer In general, if a green card is issued in an employment-based case, a subsequent divorce would have no impact on the GC. (13.Nov.2017)In frequent sessions of our Chat, Sheela Murthy and other senior attorneys provide guidance that clarifies the law in real time. For details...