15 Apr 2021

My H1B registration was selected. In filing the H1B petition, is it possible to request an earlier start date than October 1st?

Answer No, for an H1B registration selected in this year's lottery, the H1B petition generally must request a start date of October 1, 2021.  (15.Apr.2021)Sheela Murthy and other senior attorneys provide guidance that clarifies the law. For information on our FREE online services, click here. Access...

15 Apr 2021

I was not selected in this H1B lottery, so I am applying for a STEM OPT extension. If there is a second round of H1B selections this year, will my STEM OPT application impact the H1B?

Answer No, applying for a STEM OPT extension typically would have no impact on an H1B registration case.  (15.Apr.2021)Sheela Murthy and other senior attorneys provide guidance that clarifies the law. For information on our FREE online services, click here. Access more FAQs here. Copyright © 2021, MURTHY...

08 Apr 2021

I recently had to renew my passport. Can I use my new passport, along with the unexpired B-1/B-2 visa in my old passport, to enter the U.S.?

Answer Generally speaking: yes, a person may present a valid B-1/B-2 visa in an expired passport along with the new, unexpired passport to request admission in B-1/B-2 status. (08.Apr.2021)Sheela Murthy and other senior attorneys provide guidance that clarifies the law. For information on our FREE online...

08 Apr 2021

Every time I need to travel by plane, I run into problems at the airport. I am sent into secondary inspection, my belongings are searched, and I am sometimes detained for hours. Is there anything I can do?

Answer It seems that, for whatever reason, your name is appearing in a U.S. Department of Homeland Security system as some type of security risk. We have seen such cases where a person had the same name as someone on a government watch list, or it...

08 Apr 2021

I am a U.S. citizen, and I filed an I-130 for my mother. She would like to visit me on her B-2 visa for a few weeks. She has no desire to apply for adjustment of status, as she needs to go back to India to take care of some things before getting her green card. Is it ok for her to come on her B-2?

Answer Technically speaking, there is no rule that prohibits a foreign national with an approved immediate relative I-130 petition from requesting admission in B-2 status. However, CBP has the discretion to deny admission based on immigrant intent. And, unless the individual can provide a compelling reason...