17 Dec 2018

I worked in H1B status several years ago, but did not use the complete 6-year period. Is there a time limit for me to be able to use the remaining H1B time? Will I have to apply through the lottery again?

Answer There is no time limit to "recapture" unused H1B time. Generally speaking, if the full 6 years was never used, it would not be necessary to apply through the H1B lottery. (17.Dec.2018)In frequent sessions of our Chat, Sheela Murthy and other senior attorneys provide guidance...

17 Dec 2018

When we filed my H1B petition, the contract for my current project was set to expire in January 2019. In responding to an H1B RFE, can we submit an updated contract with the same client / same project, but with a later end date?

Answer Yes, an extended contract generally could be submitted in response to an RFE. (17.Dec.2018)In frequent sessions of our Chat, Sheela Murthy and other senior attorneys provide guidance that clarifies the law in real time. For details on chat participation, click here.Access more FAQs here. Copyright ©...

10 Dec 2018

What are the risks of moving from EB2 to EB3?

Answer Depending on the circumstances, there can be different risks in moving from EB2 to EB3. A common one, however, is that USCIS might discover a problem in the EB2 petition that previously was not identified. (10.Dec.2018)In frequent sessions of our Chat, Sheela Murthy and other...