15 Oct 2018

My H1B change of employer was filed last month using premium processing. An RFE was issued, which my employer is now responding to. Will the RFE response be adjudicated using premium processing, even though premium is now suspended?

Answer If the petition was properly filed for premium processing before this service was suspended, the RFE response should still be adjudicated as a premium processing case. (15.Oct.2018)In frequent sessions of our Chat, Sheela Murthy and other senior attorneys provide guidance that clarifies the law in...

15 Oct 2018

My mother is applying to renew her visitor visa. Will it improve her chances of getting the visa issued if I provide her with an I-134 affidavit of support?

Answer One generally should not submit an I-134 unless it is required or specifically requested, as this can actually undermine the visa application. (15.Oct.2018)In frequent sessions of our Chat, Sheela Murthy and other senior attorneys provide guidance that clarifies the law in real time. For details...

08 Oct 2018

I have a valid H1B visa “stamp” in my passport. If I apply for an L1A visa, will that cause the consulate to cancel the H1B visa?

Answer In general, applying for one type of visa should not cause a consular officer to cancel a different visa in one's passport. However, this does sometimes happen. (08.Oct.2018)In frequent sessions of our Chat, Sheela Murthy and other senior attorneys provide guidance that clarifies the law...

08 Oct 2018

If I quit my H1B job, am I eligible for the 60-day grace period? Or, does the grace period only apply if I am fired? Also, if I do get a grace period, what about my H-4 spouse?

Answer Yes, a person who resigns can still be eligible for the 60-day grace period, assuming one meets the other standard requirements (e.g., no violation of status, I-94 still valid). The same applies to one's H-4 dependents. (08.Oct.2018)In frequent sessions of our Chat, Sheela Murthy and...